Before you change
careers assess why you might want a change.
Often it isn't a change of career that is necessary. Here are some questions you can ask about
where the dissatisfaction exists:
--Do you like your
current company?
--Do you like
your current boss?
--Do you like
your current fellow employees?
--Is there an
issue in your home life affecting your work?
--Do you like
your daily work?
--Do you like the
potential of working at a job related to your current career?
--Do you prefer
to work alone, in a team, or a bit of both?
Frequently a
person wants to change careers when the issue is the company the work for, the
boss (one of the most common reasons), or fellow employees and their actions. You must first analyze whether your
unhappiness is truly with the career or another reason. Sometimes the motivation has nothing to do
with work, and is something happening in your personal life. If, after evaluating the above, you determine
the reason is still the work, then you need to ask yourself if you might like a
related career, something different
within your current company (maybe you aren't challenged anymore in your
current role), or if you are working within an environment that isn't ideal? Too many people have changed careers when the
real issue was something else entirely.
Make sure you investigate all the possibilities before reaching a
decision. To your career success!
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