Monday, December 30, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

“Do it trembling if you must, but do it!” - Emmet Fox

"If you use your time off to strengthen your relationships, those people will help you grow." - Robert Glazer

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"Oh, listen a lot and talk less.  You can't learn anything when you are talking." - Bing Crosby

"What really matters is what you do with what you have." - H.G. Wells 

Friday, December 20, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"You get used to the rejection and you don't take it personally.  One thing to remember is to separate who you are from what you do.” – Daniel Craig

"It will not get any better.  You might as well start right now." - Damon Brown 

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“Charisma can get you to the top, but only CHARACTER will keep you there.” – Joyce Meyer

"There is inherent merit in taking things slowly." - Sylvain Labs

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

 “Every problem is a challenge that’s going to help me grow, and is going to shape me into a better person.” – Kanjun Qui

“It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.” – Jackie Joyner-Kersee

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“There is more power in telling little than in telling all.” – Mark Rothko

“Goals are meant to evolve.” – Maynard Webb

Friday, November 29, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

“Remember that you are gifted and there are people in the world who need your special wisdom, insights and perspective.” – Kendall Summerhawk

"The world is possibility if only you'll discover it." - Ralph Ellison

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude" - Cynthia Ozick

“Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves and spend without fear of bankruptcy.” - Unknown

Friday, November 22, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"Frequently when your first plan fails, the second plan is already in preparation.” – Unknown

"Running alone is the toughest. You get to the point where you have to keep pushing yourself."
Walter Payton

Career Management Quotes of the Week

You'll never know everything about anything, especially something you love.
“Julia Child

A cookbook is only as good as its poorest recipe.”
Julia Child

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"Receive a NO as gracefully as you do a YES." - Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz

"Part of courage is simple consistency.” - Peggy Noonan

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"You shouldn't change what you are in the search for success."
Sissy Spacek

"Bewildered is the fox who lives to find that grapes beyond reach can be really sour."
Dorothy Parker

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

“Remember that underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves.” – Unknown

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown."  H.P. Lovecraft

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“Know where you are today but prepare for where you are heading next.” – Carrie Greene

"Measure your impact to learn, not to brag." –  Ryan Ayers

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

“Every experience, no matter how bad it is, holds within it a blessing of some kind.  The goal is to find it.” – Buddha

 “A mind set in its ways is wasted.” – Eric Schmidt

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"I believe if you will just stand up and go, life will open up for you." - Tina Turner

"Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream."
- Lao Tzu

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

“Even if you fall short of what you set out to accomplish, what you gain in that journey will be worth it.” – Rian Rochford

“We sometimes fall flat on our face.  But people don’t mind people who try things and fail.” – Richard Branson

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"Choose a career you love. Give it the best there is in you. Seize your opportunities. Be a member of the team." ~Benjamin F. Fairless

"Don't plan it all.  Let life surprise you a little bit." - Julia Alvarez

Friday, October 18, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"Failure is a part of success. There is no such thing as a bed of roses all your life. But failure will never stand in the way of success if you learn from it." - Hank Aaron

"The fears you DON'T face control you.  The fears you DO face, you move beyond." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create your own legend, or not." - Isabel Allende

"Fun is the most important.  If you do stuff for the money, it never works out." - Ina Garten

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"You can always find ways to make even the worst of situations work for you." - Vanessa Merit Nornber

"An obstacle may be either a stepping stone or a stumbling block." -Anonymous

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"People may be motivated by money, but they're rarely inspired by it." - Greg Smith

“To be human Is to become visible while carrying what is hidden as a gift to others..."
- David

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

“It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you 
carry it.”
Lena Horne

“Searching for a job may not be fun but getting a new one sure makes it worth all the trouble.” 

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“The better we understand ourselves, the better we are able to cope with both welcome and unwelcome change.”
Sherrie Haynie

“You want to be dedicated and unwilling to give up on your goal, which is more likely when you share that goal with someone you look up to.”
Howard Klein

Friday, September 13, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"Don't believe everything you think.  Thoughts are just that - thoughts." - Allan Lokos

"Nothing can harm you as much as your thoughts, unguarded." - Buddha

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“When you feel the most like yourself, that’s when you do your best work.” – Tristan Miller

“It’s okay to fall down, screw up, make mistakes, and figure it out by doing it wrong. Transformation is a process. It usually isn’t pretty. You will always be learning something new, and screwing up while you do.” – Heather Bussing

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"The fears you don't face control you. The fears you face, you move beyond." - Wayne Dyer

“Remember, you and your job are not the same thing.  Detach your identify from you job." - Unknown

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"We do not learn from experience.  We learn from reflecting on experience." - John Dewey

"All of us need to understand the importance of branding.  We are CEO's of our own companies:  Me, Inc.  To be in business or a career today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand call YOU. - Tom Peters 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

“If you want different results, you must show up in a different way.” – Jack Canfield

“Successful people aren’t born that way. They become successful by establishing the habit of doing things unsuccessful people don’t like to do.” - William Makepeace Thackeray 

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." John Quincy Adams     

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” - Lau Tzu 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

 “We often don’t realize our true value until after we negotiate a salary and benefits package.  Know your value, don’t just take that first offer.  Show them you are multifaceted and provide cross functional experience that is worthy of a better offer.  Most companies will give you more, you just need to ask.” – Karen Silins

“No job is worth your sanity.  Find something else that is worthy of you!” – Unknown

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“Across much of the world, longer working hours do not necessarily result in higher productivity.” - Forbes

“What we all have in common is time and our humanity.  What we do with those two things defines who we are.” – Herbert Wertheim

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

Hard work is often the easy work you did not do at the proper time.
Bernard Meltzer 

Stress is like spice -- in the right proportion it enhances the flavor of a dish. Too little produces a bland, dull meal; too much may choke you.
Donald Tubesing

Career Management Quotes of the Week

Talk is cheap. Words are plentiful. Deeds are precious.
Ross Perot

Don't fall into the age-old trap of using irrelevant credentials to define what makes a 'good hire.'
Darren Bounds 

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"No's really teach you stuff. I'm not sure that yeses do. Yeses make you feel great, you got the result, but I think we probably learn more from the No's." - Milton Fogg

"The prize is in direct proportion to the price - what comes easy is worth very little, what comes hard is worth so much. So the no's are so wonderful because they're making you so much better." - Joel Weldon

Career Management Quotes of the Week

 “Just because you are capable of something doesn’t mean you should spend your time doing it.”  - Carrie Greene

"Don't watch the clock.  Do what it does.  Keep going." - Sam Levenson

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"Either I will find a way, or I will make one." - Phillip Sidney

"Do not wait to strike til the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking." William Butler Yeats

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"Whoever is happy will make others happy too." - Anne Frank

"Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary." - Margaret Cousins

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." - Alice Walker

"Celebrate endings, for they precede new beginnings." - Johnathan Lockwood Huie

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"Communication, the human connection, is the key to personal and career success." - Paul J. Meyer

"Working with great people can make you great.  You learn a lot and it also gives you the experience and confidence to move on with your own career." - Nas

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same”. - Carlos Castaneda

"Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.” -William E. Channing

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"Remember that how you act toward someone is a reflection of your character, not theirs — so don’t let someone change you." - Unknown


"The world is changed by your examples, not your opinions." - Unknown

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"Everybody comes to a point in their life when they want to quit. But it's what you do at that moment that determines who you are." - David Goggins

"Don't just bring your best when you think it is needed, bring it to everything you do.  You never know where your next opportunity will come from - that interview, networking event, or even just mowing your lawn." - Unknown

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“Successful communication is three parts listening, one part talking.” – Unknown 

“You can’t teach employees to smile. They have to smile before you hire them.”  Arte Nathan

Friday, June 7, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

“When you set your mind to achieve something, you must allow yourself the opportunity to get it done.” Tasha Hoggatt

“If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal.” - Author unknown

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“Competition is a by-product of productive work, not its goal. A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.” - Ayn Rand

“When you stop chasing the wrong things you give the right things a chance to catch you.”Lolly Daskal 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"You'll never get to where you're going unless you know where "that" is." - Unknown

"You can have it all, but not all at once." - Unknown

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"Sometimes your career has unexpected inconvenience.  Know that all careers have this, and you are not alone." - Unknown  

I want to look back on my career and be proud of the work, and be proud that I tried everything."Jon Stewart

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

“Success seems to be connected to action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they never quit.” -J.W. Marriot

“Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t” - Erica Jong

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"Simplify to Amplify." - Unknown

"Take control of your career so that as needed, you can move from employee to gigger, and if you choose, back to employee."  - Pat Romboletti in TEDx: Leveraging the Gig Economy

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

 “A lot of times people look at the negative side of what they feel they can’t do. I always look on the positive side of what I can do.” – Chuck Norris

"If you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it." - Harvey Mackay

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“Deadlines are great.  Scheduling appropriate time to do the work to meet the deadline is better.” – Unknown

 “A mind that is stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"The amount of good luck coming your way depends on your willingness to act." - Barbara Sher

“When one door is closed, don’t you know that many more are open.” – Bob Marley

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too can become great.” – Mark Twain

“Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.” – Author Unknown

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"Don't go searching for the ideal job, it doesn't exist.  Instead, search for a good job, with work you enjoy, a good boss, company and coworkers.  That will bring work satisfaction."  Unknown

“People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents.”  Andrew Carnegie

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.” – John Wooden

“If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.” – Eckhart Tolle

Friday, April 26, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"Old ways won't open new doors." - Unknown

"You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“Confidence is making a decision when you are only 80% sure.  If you have to be 100% sure, that is just procrastination.”  - Unknown

“The elevator to success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs, one step at a time.” - Joe Girard

Friday, April 19, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

“Change is not a four letter word… but often your reaction to it is!” - Jeffrey Gitomer

It's the rough side of the mountain that's the easiest to climb; the smooth side doesn't have anything for you to hang on to. - Aretha Franklin

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"It's hard to beat someone who never gives up." - Babe Ruth

Every attempt to reach new milestones holds opportunities for us to learn, adjust and progress. - Jim Bridenstine

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

I feel ups and downs are a part of one's career, and this totally depends on how you take it. You can either be knocked down by the negative things, or you can take it in a positive way and learn from it.Deepika Padukone

Your career is like a garden. It can hold an assortment of life's energy that yields a bounty for you. You do not need to grow just one thing in your garden. You do not need to do just one thing in your career. - Jennifer Ritchie Payette

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"Your value is like fine wine; it's just going to get better with age." - Jade Goodhue

"If the career you have chosen has some unexpected inconvenience, console yourself by reflecting that no career is without them.  - Unknown

Friday, April 5, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"One of the things I have learned the hard way is that it doesn't pay to get discouraged.  Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself." -Lucille Ball

"We live in an era where rapid change breeds fear, and fear too often congeals us into a rigidity which we mistake for stability. - Lynn White

Career Management Quotes of the Week

“It’s not about the paycheck, it’s about respect, it’s about looking in the mirror and knowing that you’ve done something valuable with your day.” - from the movie "Dave"

 “Your dignity’s inside you. Nobody can take something away from you you don’t give them.” - from the movie "Glory Road"

Friday, March 29, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

“So many people out there have no idea what they want to do for a living, but they think that by going on job interviews they’ll magically figure it out. If you’re not sure, that message comes out loud and clear in the interview.”Todd Bermont

“I do not believe that I have had an interview with anybody in twenty-five years in which the person to whom I was talking was not annoyed during the early part of the interview by my asking stupid questions.” - Harry Stack Sullivan

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"Nowadays true job satisfaction and happiness is about fulfilling full potential, tapping into your own creativity, and feeling that you can make a difference." - Chris Humphries 

"If you have fun at your job, you WILL be more effective." - Meg Whitman

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never the goal." - Unknown

"Be thankful for what you have. Work hard for what you don’t have." - Unknown

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"Appreciation is vital for lasting relationships, whether at work or in life. If people treat you as priority don't treat them as an option."  - Unknown

"The trophy is earned in the hours that no one is watching." - Unknown

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

“It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.” – Carlton Fisk

"I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time." – Anna Freud

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results."  – Kenneth Blanchard

"Do something today that your future self will thank you for." - Unknown

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Job Search Quotes of the Week

"There will be obstacles.
There will be doubters.
There will be mistakes.
But with hard work,
There are no limits"
- Unknown

"You can always do more than you think you can," – John Wooden

Career Management Quotes of the Week

"A year from now you may wish you had started today." – Karen Lamb

"Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." – Francis of Assisi